Eliza Doolittle Interview
Jo: Welcome to Bucks! What have you been up to recently?
Eliza: Um, this week we’ve been doing a little school tour, and basically it’s like, we’ve been doing 2 schools a day, and sometimes doing like more than one show in a day, then doing like gigs and clubs night, so it’s been mad. We’re really tired, but having a good time. It’s been really good fun.
J: Do you like playing to students?
E: Yeah, for sure, because it’s nice for us to play to our own age group. Because I don’t want to just have a young fan base, or an older fan base, I want to have people as well my own age I can relate to.
J: How would you describe your music?
E: I’d probably say that it is pop music, but it’s not like, cheesy s club 7 pop or anything like that. It’s real music, real pop music, like in the old school sense, like how everyone used to be in the charts, and we would call that pop music. Well that’s what I want it to be anyway! It’s very light and summery; it’s got a very spring feel about it, that’s why I’m bringing out my stuff at the beginning of summer.
J: Who do you feel has influenced you?
E: Err, I’m not quite sure, I listen to so much different stuff, so maybe it’s all subconsciously influenced me that way. I don’t know, I listened to a lot of cheesy R’n’B when I was little, I don’t know if that’s come out in my music!
J: Who is your favourite band/ artist?
E: I’ve been saying Stevie Wonder, and all the kids at school laughed at me, because he’s probably, he’s definitely one of my favourites, but I can’t really pinpoint a favourite, but yeah, I’ll say Stevie Wonder.
J: What can we expect from your show tonight?
E: Err, it’s a real busker vibe, I like to get everybody involved, and yeah just do a really catchy, really fun show.
J: So you have a single and an album coming out?
E: Yeah, my new single, Skinny Genes, is coming out March 29th and my album is going to be coming out May/ June time, it’s very exciting.
J: Do you have a tour planned?
E: I think we’re trying to book as many festivals as possible this summer, but I haven’t got anything in the diary yet.
J: Any particular festivals you’d like to play?
E: Glastonbury, Besival, and I’ve heard Latitude is really good. I really wanted to play snowbombing which is a skiing and music festival in April, but I think we were too late for that one so, oh well.
J: So where would you like to be in the next 12 months?
E: Yeah, I’d just love for the album to do well and travel round the world and do gigs everywhere and sing my songs to people in different countries. That would be my dream come true, but you know, you never know what’s going to happen.
J: And finally, what do you have on your iPod today?
E: Usually I just put it on shuffle, can I say that? I’ll check...Err; I’ve been listening to a lot of ‘The Golden Silvers’ at the moment.
J: Lovely, thanks a lot Eliza
E: Thank you!
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