
My photo
High Wycombe, United Kingdom
Hi there, I'm Jo. This blog is all about my career highlights. As you can tell, I don't as of yet actually have a career, but I still get to do a lot of cool stuff. Read on to find out more about what I get up to...If you really care.

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

First time

For the first time I will actually post.
I'm Jo. This will be my blog about my (hopefully) successful career as a journo.
So, as a brief intro, here is some things that I have achieved so far:
I am music editor of my uni paper, (always a good place to start) and as a result I have interviewed a lot of famous bands and artists from The Automatic to The Twang, and various others. I have also written for what you may call 'credible' newspapers in my local area, which I found increasingly boring. (All you ever write about is horse charities, and girlguiding...)
Anyway I write a lot.
My main passion is radio though. I'd love to title my blog as 'My life as a radio presenter', but that's a bit ambitious for now I think.
I have already had my own radio show, on a little seasonal radio station called 'Christmas FM' which sounds a lot more impressive than it actually was, but hey, any experience is good. It showed me just how much I like sitting in front of a mic and talking.
Err, that's about it for past achievements really...
Which leads me up to now, I am VERY excited for tomorrow, as I get to interview up and coming artist Little Boots, she is one of those people that I can see doing so well, she's that good, you should give her a listen DO IT.
Anyways, I'll be off. I have work to do.

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